
Considering Membership?
Our club is a volunteer-driven organization. Having members’ support is vital to our maintenance and growth. Members show support by donating time for activities such as attending/teaching classes, managing trials/events, and performing operational functions.
This section provides information for existing members as well as new members. Questions should be directed to info@sndk9.com.
Membership Dues & Types: Individual $30 / Family $50
Existing Members: Membership dues must be paid on or before February 1 to continue membership benefits.
New Members: Anyone voted in between January 1 and June 30 pays full dues. Those voted in between July 1 and December 31 pay half of the annual dues for the current year. Dues are payable once the membership accepts the applicant.
Membership Types:
- Individual: Membership for 1 individual aged 18 or above.
- Family: A membership for up to 3 individuals living in the same household. This category includes a junior handler who must have adult supervision.
Membership on Hold: A member who is unable to participate in club activities due to special circumstances such as disability, family needs, job demands, etc. may elect to request membership be put on hold. Dues will not be refunded, but completion of membership requirements will be paused. To request this status change, send an email to info@sndk9.com explaining the circumstances. The Board will review requests at their next meeting. The status change will be active until the member requests a change or to the end of the fiscal year (December 31).
Membership Lapse: If dues are not paid by the deadline, membership will lapse, and all benefits stopped. Membership can be reinstated within 11 months by membership vote and payment of dues. A Member Renewal Form must be submitted and will be considered at the next scheduled membership meeting. There could be a 60-day wait for review. Dues will be paid after the membership vote and membership will be reinstated upon receipt of dues payment.
Current Membership
Members in good standing not only get to enjoy the friendship of like-minded dog owners, they also receive:
- Club meeting voting rights. Junior handlers do not have voting rights.
- Discount on SNDK9 classes.
- Discount on select SNDK9 trial premiums.
- Discount on select seminars.
- Special invitations to free member-only events.
- Holiday parties that include your four-legged friends.
- Annual Awards Banquet
- Notification of select events before non-members with the ability to register early.
- Building rental for personal dog training when building is not in use. Refer to the Building Availability section of our website for details.
- Members who demonstrate appropriate knowledge, dedication, and attitude are eligible to become instructors who receive additional privileges. Refer to the Our Policies-Instructorssection of the website for additional information.
Our Club operates through the efforts of its members. We expect members to participate in activities annually. All members must:
- Pay dues and complete a Member Renewal Form by February 1.
- Attend 3 (50%) membership meetings per year. Refer to the Calendar section of the website or the Club bulletin board for meeting dates. For Family Memberships, only 1 member of the family must attend.
- Promote and practice good sportsmanship as defined in the SNDK9’s Code of Conduct.
Members must also choose 1 of the following 3 options:
1. Register and attend 2 Club class sessions per year (typically 7-8 individual classes). Exceptions occur for Instructors where:
- Instructor teaches 1 Club class session and registers/attends 1 class session per year.
- Instructor or assistant teaches 2 or more class sessions per year.
2. Support Club administration by participating in administrative functions from the following list:
- Member of the Board of Directors
- Chair of one of the sport committees, i.e., Rally, Obedience, Agility, Scentwork
- Committee Chair or Co-Chair, i.e., Registration Committee, Membership Committee, Curriculum Committee
- Member of the cleaning crew for the year
- Monitor club email
- Trial Chair, Trial Secretary, or Trial Worker Herder
Many of the activities in this category are filled by vote and may not be available. If you are interested in one of the activities, please send an email with your interest to info@sndk9.com.
3. Volunteer for 12 hours at a Club-sponsored trial/event or club miscellaneous activity/duty (can be cumulative across multiple activities). A list of some of the most common volunteer activities is available on the bulletin board. For a family membership, each member of the family should complete 12 hours. Alternatively, family members can randomly split hours. Volunteer activities must be documented by completion of a Volunteer Activity Form or included in a list from the activity coordinator for large group activities. The list must include participant’s name, volunteer activity/job worked, location of activity, date of activity, and number of volunteer hours.
New Membership Application
New member applicants must show that they are willing and able to attend meetings as well as work at and participate in Club activities. Prior to acceptance of a prospective member’s application, the following requirements must be completed.
- Within six months prior to submitting a Membership Application:
- Take 2 Club class sessions (typically 7-8 individual classes) or complete 16 hours of volunteer work.
- Attend 1 membership meeting as a guest. For Family Memberships, only 1 member of the family must attend.
- Complete 4 hours of volunteer work for the club. For a family membership, each member of the family should complete 4 hours. Alternatively, the total hours can be split randomly between family members. Activitiesmust be documented by completion of a Volunteer Activity Form. Volunteer activities typically include participating in trials/events, special projects, or building projects.
- Submit a New Membership Application with:
- Endorsement by 2 club members in good standing. The best way to get sponsorship is to attend classes and events so you get to know the members.
- Applicant signature indicating you have reviewed our definition of good sportsmanship and agree to practice SNDK9’s Code of Conduct.
- A Hold Harmless Form if you have not submitted one in the past.
- Mail your application with required attachments to the following address or deposit it in the building completed application drop-off bin.
Splash ‘N Dash K9 Sports
1901 Sheena Drive
Plum, PA 15239
Your application will be voted on at the membership meeting held after you have met all the above requirements. Membership meetings are scheduled 5-6 times per year. Until your application has been formally approved, you are not eligible for member benefits/pricing.
A confirmation email will be sent once your application is approved requesting that you forward your membership dues. Once the dues are received, you will receive access to the membership section of the website and be eligible for member benefits/pricing.
Volunteer Activities
Volunteer activities must be documented by completion of a Volunteer Activity Form or included in a list from the activity coordinator for large group activities. The list must include participant’s name, volunteer activity/job worked, location of activity, date of activity, and number of volunteer hours.
A list of volunteer activities is often available on the bulletin board. If you are interested in helping at trials, contact the trial secretary if nothing is posted.