TREIBBALL, also known as drive-ball or push ball, originated in Germany in 2005. The games are played by pushing balls into the goal area one by one like herding sheep into a pen. The goal is for the handler and their dog to work as a team. This team sport is suitable for dogs and handlers of all ages, sizes, and mobility levels. Open to all breeds, not just herding dogs! Treibball will test your dog’s problem-solving skills while keeping your dog mentally and physically stimulated. For those interested in competing, teams are challenged with distance and number of balls in a timed trial.
Beginner 1
Introduces foundation skills of learning to push the ball, moving away from the handler and directional cues. Strong foundation skills are key, and in many cases, teams will repeat this class before moving on to the next level
Prerequisites: Dog should know how to sit, down, stay, come and be able to work off leash.
Beginner 2
Building off the foundation skills in Beginner 1, this class will add difficulty by increasing distance and working with multiple balls.
Prerequisites: Teams have attended at least eight Beginner 1 classes and can successfully demonstrate the skills required for that level
Teams start to play the beginner levels of the standard game as outline in NATE Rules. For those interested in competing, this class will prepare teams for competition at the Novice level
Prerequisites: Teams have completed Beginner 2 and can successfully demonstrate the skills required for that level.
Teams continue to play the game adding difficulty with more distance and balls and learning how to play other Treibball games.
Prerequisites: Teams have completed Intermediate and can successfully demonstrate the skills required for that level.